Daycare - Ages 6 months to 36months
5 Days: $605/month (after gov't fee reduction)
Daily rate: $60
Daycare - Ages 36 months to 60 months (3 to 5 years)
5 Days: $437/month (after gov't fee reduction)
Daily rate: $50
Kindergarten - Ages 60 months to 72 months (5 to 6 years)
Please note, extra fees will apply to Spring Break, Christmas Break, and Summer Break.
5 Days: $671/month
Before & After School - Grade 1 + Upwards
Please note, extra fees will apply to Spring Break, Christmas Break, and Summer Break.
5 Days: $671/month
Call us or contact by email for an orientation of KANAKA CREEK Daycare:
Tel: (604) 477-1125, Cell: (604) 832-8182
email: info@kanakacreekdaycare.ca